RDA (Resource Description and Access): Source Specifying and Access
Emine H. GUR, Library of Boğaziçi University
Bahar Biçen ARAS, Library of MEF University
Content of the Course:Formation of information resources and the international standards used during being opened to open-access, AACR2 standard, RDA: differences and application examples.Introduction of RDA standards that have been designed instead of AACR2 used for formation and opening to the access of information resources roughly and by showing off some practical applications. Emphasizing the importance of international standards for being able to be published in library catalogs online.

Required Tools:

In order to participate in this training, participants are expected to have those pieces of equipment listed below- providing that must be tested before.

–          Internet Access

–          Headphones

–          Microphones

–          Quiet Environment

Aims of the Course:

–          Enlightening Catalog Librarians about RDA standards’ content and extend.

–          Helping  Catalog Librarians to understand the basics of FRBR and FRAD’s conceptual models which make up the foundation of RDA.

–          Emphasizing the importance of standardization in order to obtain bibliographic by making shared decisions on the application and interpretation of RDA guidelines.

–          Making Catalog Librarians more competent in preparing national author& subject authority index by exhibiting the importance of Authority Control process during the formation of information resources.

–          Exhibiting how much the Catalog Librarians are vitally important for the WEB.


–          1st Class

–          2nd Class

–          3rd Class

–          4th Class

–          5th Class

–          6th Class

–          7th Class

–          8th Class

–          9th Class


Why RDA?

–          Foundations and grounds of RDA

–          Conceptual Model

–          RDA Terminology

–          Actions taken in Turkey


Course Schedule:                 

3-4 March, 2016 Thursday, Friday 12.20 – 13.30 Emine H. GUR- Bahar BIÇEN ARAS
10-11 March, 2016 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 12.20 – 13.30 Emine H. GUR- Bahar BIÇEN ARAS
15-16-17 March, 2016 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12.20 – 13.30 Emine H. GUR- Bahar BIÇEN ARAS
23 March, 2016 Wednesday 12.20 – 13.30 Emine H. GUR- Bahar BIÇEN ARAS