Choosing and Management of E-Sources


Dr. Burcu BULUT, Library of Ipek University

Derya SOĞUKSU, Library of Suna Kıraç, Koç University

M. Kerem KAHVECIOĞLU, Library of Istanbul Bilgi University

Course Content:

Choosing and Management of E-Sources/ Strategic Planning/ Policy of E-Sources/ Budget Keeping/ Auxiliary Systems/ E-Sources License/ Copyrights

Aim of the Course:

In order to provide maximum user satisfaction and use the Library Budget efficiently choosing  and management of E-Sources which makes up the biggest part of the budget, is one of the most important issue which demands much time. İt’s vitally needed a strategy plan prepared with utmost care and effort for choosing the best products up to the information requirements of users, providing and enlarging availability of them during the choosing E-Sources and management process, which is important under title of Collection Development Policy. Designing the business process of implementation, determining the evaluation criteria of the process’s inputs and outputs and specifying the needed mechanisms is vitally important as much as the existence of a Collection Development Policy which is updated up to developing technologies. In this sense,  by sharing useful pieces of information, which may help to E-Source  librarians to improve themselves during the eSource Choosing a Management Process, participants will be able to use their efforts, time, experiences and abilities efficiently in order to manage a more healthy E-Source Chosing and Management Process at their institutions. 

Required Tools:

In order to participate in this training, participants are expected to have those equipments listed below- providing that must be tested before.

          Internet Access



          Quiet Environment

Aims of the Course:

          Specifying of sources will be added to the collection any informing about the information to be evaluated.

          Presenting the main and auxiliary evaluation criteria related to specified E-Sources.

          Informing about strategic planning and telling the necessity of strategic planning.

          Efficient budget use- Lecturing the cost- benefit analysis.

           Lecturing about how much the E-Source Managing/ Auxiliary systems help to librarians and to users.

          informing about the judicial process, license agreements, and copyrights of resources.

          Lecturing about how to evaluate and negotiate on the E-Source license agreements.

Course Subjects

          1st Class

          2nd Class

          3rd Class

          4th Class

          5th Class

          6th Class

          7th Class

          8th Class

          9th Class

          10th Class

Choosing and Evaluation of E-Sources; General Informations

          Lifecycle of eE-Sources

          E-Sources within the scope of Collection Development Policy

          Responsibilities of E-Source librarians.

          E-Source Evolution Workflow Plan

Course Schedule:

3-4 March, 2016 Thursday, Friday 13.10-13.50 Dr. Burcu Bulut
8-9-10- March, 2016 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 13.10-13.50 Derya Soğuksu
14-16-17 March, 2016 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 13.10-13.50 Kerem Kahvecioğlu
23 March, 2016 Wednesday 13.10-13.50

Kinds of Lecture:



          Question – Answer – Discussion

Assessment of Students’ Success:

          Participation in class: 50%

          Practice: 50%

Outcomes of the Course:

Trainees participating in this course;

          will learn how to plan E-Source Collection.

          will learn the ways being used for specifying of E-Source in order to join in the collection.

          will have information about the main and auxiliary criteria which should be taken into account during the Choosing and Managing of E-Sources.

          will have information about the balance of budget- expense

          will learn how to get statistics and analyze them.

          will be able to specify E-Source Management and Auxiliary Systems effort/ benefit/ use criteria for their own institutions.

          will have information judicial process, license agreements, and copyrights about E-Sources.

          will know how to evaluate and negotiate on E-Source license agreements.