ILDS (The Interlending & Document Supply ) Conference
November 6, 2019About Coronavirus
March 17, 2020The seventh ANKOSLink 2019 International Conference was held on 02-05 April 2019 at the Royal Seginus Hotel in Antalya. The theme of this conference was ”Digital Globalization and Sustainable Libraries”. 2018 was a year in which all the world was undergoing major changes, affecting all countries in terms of digital globalization. While the greatest impact of digital globalization is experienced as the content changes of the service in libraries in the social sense, it has emerged that the economic and social restructuring of the libraries should be evaluated in terms of unity as a process in which economic leaps and constrictions are experienced. During this three-day conference based on our theme, we were pleased to present you our professional sharing, new products and content with our broadcasting stakeholders, national and international speakers and our esteemed participants. In our conference mainly University 4.0, Industry 4.0, Library 4.0, Digital Globalization, Digital Transformation, Digital Adaptation, Economic Sustainability, Technological Adaptation, Sustainable Thought, Social Sustainability in Libraries, Digital Libraries, Sustainability in Access to Information, Sustainable Digital Protection, Sustainable Systems, Sustainable Development And Sustainable Library Practices, and many valuable presentations reflecting the experiences and sharing of national and international guests.
ANKOSLink2019 has received a great deal of attention in the last years of our poster session, the first prize among the 16 candidates from the Iskenderun Technical University İsk Another Way Is Possible! ”, The second award from Aksaray University“ Green to Blue; Nature is a Library !!! ”has received the third prize from Kadir Has University poster An Innovative Approach in Lending:“ You Choose, We Send!! Posters.
ANKOSLink 2019 International Conference was held with 525 participants from 24 different countries including Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, UK and USA. When we look at the distribution of participation, 179 company representatives from 76 companies, 226 people from 151 ANKOS member institutions, 27 general participants from 22 different institutions and 93 people participated in the conference as ANKOS Volunteers and guests.