ANKOS KDDB Meeting was held in Edirne
August 2, 2019AEKA Education Training Programs II
August 2, 2019ANKOS Personnel Exchange Program in its 3rd Year
ANKOS Personnel Exchange Program, which is an extension of ANKOS not only as a bargaining leader in the field of electronic resources, but also supporting Turkish university librarianship and librarians in sharing information and experience, will be held in Anadolu University Library between September 1-5, 2014. .
We hope that this year will be an efficient program for Zarife Yıldırım (Selçuk University), Semra Güneyli (Yeditepe University), Canan Yılmaz (METU), Bilge Kat (Bilkent University) and Büşra Bilir (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University).
We would like to thank Anadolu University Library Department Head Adnan Yılmaz and his team for hosting ANKOS Personnel Exchange Program.